
duminică, 4 iulie 2010

Hotel PERLA din insulele Caraibe

Zona turistica din Insulele Caraibe este plin cu hotele.Totusi este loc pentru unu nou.
Mai ales ca ofera noi servicii .Sunt locuri amenajate pentru tenis ,fotbal ,si teatru.
Tenisul poti sa inveti sau sa exersezi cu Pat Tennis Academy.
Fotbalul poti sa inveti sau sa exersezi cu Liverpool Football Club School .
Scoala de teatru ofera Harlequin Performing Arts Academy.
Toate 3 scoli au renume in domeniul lor de activitate.
Serviciile sunt ideale pentru parinti care vor sa fac din copil sportiv sau actor
Hotelul Pearl ,Bucament Bay Resort ,are 368 de camera si costa 400 $ / noapte.
ireplace beckon.

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Beautiful Yaasmin

Nu e regula ,dar cateodata ghinionul altuia iti aduce noroc

Golful Mexican se 'scalda' in ulei ,de 40 de zile .
Singura zona fara ulei este oferit de Royal Shell Vacation .Desi compania
detine 400 de hoteluri lux ,doar cateva sunt cu plaja curata .Doua zone mari
Sanibel si Captiva Island au fost inchise de autoritati.
Zona turistica este in declin in Golful Mexican.Degeaba ofera extra reduceri .
Daca au clienti ,sunt doar muncitorii care lucreaza curatarea Golfului .
Go beckon.

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Beautiful Yaasmin

Vacanta cinema

Noua oferta pe paleta turismului lux sunt zonele si aventurile din filme renumite.
Agentia de turis Abercombie & Kent

are oferte speciale denumite "Cinema-cation "

Turistii poate sa viziteze locurile unde sau filmat filme renumite.Sunt oferite
si aventuri asemanatoare ,desigur fara drame.Practic te simti in pielea actorilor.
De exemplu "Out of Africa "(Africa ) ,"Death on the Nil -Agatha Christie "(Africa),
"The Hurt Locker "
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1"(Anglia)
"Eat, Pray, Love"(India)
"Sex and the City 2"(Maroc )
Go on a journey of self-discovery in the tranquil , and partake in wellness regimes to bring about the union of mind, body, and soul.The spa focuses on the traditional sciences of beauty and wellbeing, with personalized therapy and activities programs. Try an ancient body mask with warming oils of ginger and cardamom. Meditate on the restoring effects of a rose quartz glow. Spa built on a mountain ridge or tropical place, the guest rooms have luxurious decor that reflect the resort's spiritual nature. Awaken each morning to a cup of ginger honey lemon tea delivered to your room. Practice yoga on your private balcony, with a breathtaking .
Ask staff to prepare a stress-relieving soak in the privacy of your room.Seeking an even greater journey? Time your stay with visiting spa in the world.Take a walk around the grounds and you might think you've stepped through a wormhole to a happy place. Fortunately for modern spa-goers, more resort is a reality - and a Luxist nominee in the best day spa category. Renaissance sensibilities in mind, from its earthy colors to is crystal glass tiles and imported white Carrera marble. Framed scarves and vintage photos of Venice adorn the walls; sauna rooms, an indoor Jacuzzi and a stone fireplace beckon.

Alte articole interesante gasiti aici « inapoi
Beautiful Yaasmin

luni, 21 iunie 2010

Antichitatea "BARONUL ROSU " din Atlanta

A fost infiintat in 1975 .A capatat renume fiindca
a reusit sa achizitioneze raritati .
In oferta lor sunt



Cel din imagine este facut din cornuri de cerb .A durat 7 ani pana cand
l-au terminat constructie fiindca ,cerbii nu erau vanate ,ci au murit natural .

Candelabru din bronz masiv ,din Barcelona.


Din marmura ,in stil ,Ludovic al XV-lea .

Din stejar masiv ,cu elemente de piatra colorata in galben cu ambra.
A fost in castelul Hiram Sibley ,Rochester,New York


Sapca de conductor ,din 1880.

Casa de marcat

Robot vintage

Dispozitiv pentru a invata conducerea unui masini ,din 1930.

Primul computer din lume.Ocupa loc cat o camera .Cantareste 770 kg .



Alte detalii in website-ul lor aici :
Goace beckon.

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Beautiful Yaasmin

LEUCADENDRA , casa lux

Casa ,numit ,Leucadendra , se afla in Florida ,orasul Coral Gables.
Este pus la vanzare la pretul de 18 milioane $ .
A fost proiectat de Cesar Molina .
Casa fiind situat in zona tropicala ,este construit in stil
-8 dormitoare
-270 m plaja

Go on a journey of self-discovery in the tranquil , and partake in wellness regimes to bring about the union of mind, body, and soul.The spa focuses on the traditional sciences of beauty and wellbeing, with personalized therapy and activities programs. Try an ancient body mask with warming oils of ginger and cardamom. Meditate on the restoring effects of a rose quartz glow. Spa built on a mountain ridge or tropical place, the guest rooms have luxurious decor that reflect the resort's spiritual nature. Awaken each morning to a cup of ginger honey lemon tea delivered to your room. Practice yoga on your private balcony, with a breathtaking .
Ask staff to prepare a stress-relieving soak in the privacy of your room.Seeking an even greater journey? Time your stay with visiting spa in the world.Take a walk around the grounds and you might think you've stepped through a wormhole to a happy place. Fortunately for modern spa-goers, more resort is a reality - and a Luxist nominee in the best day spa category. Renaissance sensibilities in mind, from its earthy colors to is crystal glass tiles and imported white Carrera marble. Framed scarves and vintage photos of Venice adorn the walls; sauna rooms, an indoor Jacuzzi and a stone fireplace beckon.

Alte articole interesante gasiti aici « inapoi
Beautiful Yaasmin